
Exhibiting at the Hilton Americas-Houston couldn’t be better! The Hilton Americas-Houston is the leading downtown convention hotel destination.

A spacious exhibit hall provides over 17,000 square feet of carpeted space for 86 booths, two evening bars and space for personal networking. The exhibit hall is perfectly located on the same 4th floor level as registration and other convention events. With an estimated 1,200 attendees and expanded 26 hours of open exhibit time over five days, the AGO 2016 National Convention - Houston is the leading place for these64 exhibitors to reach a wide audience this June. 

Click on any item below to download information.

Exhibits Information and Regulations

Exhibit Hours at a Glance


Exhibitors Listing                                                                      Booth /
Room Number
A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Company #503www.pipe-organ.com
AGO 2017 Regional Convention Dallas #104www.dallasago.org
AGO 2017 Regional Convention - Youngstown Great Lakes #123
AGO 2018 National Convention Kansas City #202 www.agokc2018.com
AGO National Headquarters #201, 203, 205www.agohq.org
Allen Organ Company #300, 302www.allenorgan.com
Alliance Music Publications, Inc.#304www.alliancemusic.com
AMC Music#305www.amcmusic.net
American Organ Institute - University of Oklahoma #501http://aoi.ou.edu
Augsburg Fortress #320, 322www.augsburgfortress.org
Bärenreiter #404www.baerenreiter.com
Berghaus Pipe Organ Builders #325 www.berghausorgan.com
Breitkopf & Haertel #409 www.breitkopf.com
Buzard Pipe Organ Builders #515www.buzardorgans.com
C. Bobsin Organs #424www.cbobsinorgans.com
C.F. Peters Corporation #407www.edition-peters.com
C.M. Almy#415www.almy.com
Carus-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG #318www.carus-verlag.com
Casavant Freres #125 www.casavant.ca
Chime Master Bells #211www.chimemaster.com
Church Music Institute #206www.churchmusicinstitute.org
Classic Midi Works#505www.midiworks.ca
Clayton Acoustics Group #204www.claytonacoustics.com
Concordia Publishing House #310 www.cph.org
Cornell Zimmer Organbuilders#510www.zimmerorgans.com
Dobson Pipe Organ Builders #225 - 324www.dobsonorgan.com
ECS Publishing Group #309, 311, 313, 315 www.ecspublishing.com &
Fratelli Ruffatti #321, 323www.ruffatti.com
Fred Bock Music Company #312, 314, 316www.fredbock.com
GIA Publications #411, 413www.giamusic.com
Glück Pipe Organs #500www.gluckpipeorgans.com
The Gothic Catalog#520www.gothic-catalog.com
Hinshaw Music #317, 319www.hinshawmusic.com
Johannus#333 (room)
Kegg Organ Builders #301www.keggorgan.com
Lois Fyfe Music #401, 403, 405www.loisfyfemusic.com
The Longwood Organ #124www.longwoodgardens.org
The Lorenz Corporation #207, 209 www.lorenz.com
Malmark Bellcraftsmen #102www.malmark.com
Martin Digital Organs #128www.martindigitalorgans.com
Meloni & Farrier Organbuilders;  Anton Skrabl Orglarstvo #208, 210www.skrabl.comwww.meloniandfarrier.com
Montreal Organ Festival – RCCO/Northeast AGO 2017 Regional Convention#126www.montrealorganfestival.org
Moores School of Music - University of Houston#109www.uh.edu/class/music
Noack Organ Company #306www.noackorgan.com
Orgues Létourneau #222 www.letourneauorgans.com
Oxford University Press #406, 408 www.oup.co.uk/music
Parsons Pipe Organ Builders #101 www.parsonsorgans.com
R.A. Colby#421www.racolby.com
Reuter Organ Company #100 www.reuterorgan.com
Rodgers Instruments Corporation #525www.rodgersinstruments.com
RSCM America #514 www.rscmamerica.org
St. Olaf College #308 http://stolaf.edu
Schantz Organ Company #224 www.schantzorgan.com
Selah Publishing Co.#423, 425 www.selahpub.com
Solid State Systems 
SULASOL#414 www.sulasol.fi
Viscount International #338 (room)
#420, 422
Wayne Leupold Editions #400, 402www.wayneleupold.com
Westminster Choir College#507www.rider.edu/organ
World Library Publications #303 www.wlpmusic.com
Yale Institute of Sacred Music #522 http://ism.yale.edu
Yesterday Service Sheet Music #410www.yesterdayservice.com
(as of 05/30/2016)